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How to Conduct an Online Board Meeting

Video conferences allow remote board members to view each other, despite different types of devices. For meetings, nonprofits have the option of choosing from a range of video conference platforms, such as Zoom, GoToMeeting WebEx, and Google Meet. Nonprofits can also utilize board management software that comes with meeting interfaces that allow remote participation.

Although the majority of discussions in the meeting are conducted using audio and video, the ability of seeing faces can encourage more interactive and interactive meetings. To ensure that everyone is heard, have the chair invite board members who haven’t spoke and limit the number of people speaking at one time. This ensures that no person dominates the discussion and allows for a more balanced decision-making process. To minimize background noise, ensure that participants turn off their mobiles and use the mute function when they’re not talking.

Directors who aren’t familiar with the virtual environment and may be hesitant to speak to the group. This reduces their involvement and efficiency. This can be addressed by providing an easy-to-use meeting interface, offering an introduction to the meeting platform, introducing participants with the platform and encouraging them to practice prior to the actual meeting. The board can also create a strict agenda with deadlines for each item. This will ensure that the meeting runs smoothly and that the desired result is attained. Board members can highlight and note notes on documents that are digital to enhance their involvement and speed up the meetings. They can share their annotations with their members to enhance collaboration and improve the quality of their meeting minutes.

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