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Board Meeting Procedures

If you’re running an existing board or preparing your first one, you need to set your board up for success using an established process. This article provides general guidelines for board meeting procedures to help conduct meetings with efficiency.

Board members should prepare well for each meeting by thoroughly reading the board’s documents and asking questions prior to the meeting. This is a vital step to ensure that meetings are on time and on target. If you permit members to ask questions that aren’t answered in the board’s document it will delay the meeting and make it harder to complete the agenda items that are most important. Members should also be prepared to disclose potential conflicts of interests that could influence the discussion.

The chair of the board opens the meeting by giving a summary of the topic of the meeting and highlights from the calls prior to the meeting and the board package. This helps draw everyone in the discussion and helps them get their bearings.

When a motion has been proposed, board members discuss the subject in accordance with strict rules regarding who can speak and the length of time they can speak. This ensures that all views are equally weighted and the board can reach a consensus. It is important to respect other members during debates, by not interrupting or criticizing speakers directly.

After the discussion, the board votes on the motions and decides which next step to take. The secretary of the company then creates the minutes and sends them out to all attendees. They can then vote on the minutes at the next meeting, or make any changes whenever needed.

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